Tag deactivators
RF 8.2 MHz

Inwave offers a complete line of RF deactivators in a variety of formats to better adapt to the strategy of each store.

How do RF
deactivators work?

Deactivators are part of the EAS anti-theft system in retail. At the time of purchase, the deactivator emits a signal that deactivates the tag, neutralizing its magnetic resonance. As such, only products whose tags have not been deactivated at checkouts will trigger the antennas positioned at the store's entrances.

EAS inteligente: conectividade que traz resultados

Desenvolvido pela Inwave, o EASi é a nova geração de sistemas antifurtos para o varejo. Solução IoT, com equipamentos conectados a internet, permite o acesso
remoto e geração de dados para gestão, trazendo benefícios diretos para a operação.

Integração entre tecnologias que ampliam a segurança e produtividade


Análise e melhoria de processos com um clipe de vídeo vinculado a cada disparo da antena antifurto.

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A segurança do EAS aliada a rastreabilidade do RFID permite melhor gestão do estoque e redução de perdas.

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EASi na plataforma Darwin

Adicione camadas de segurança às aplicaçõesDarwin para operação assistida e auditoria deoperações.

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RF Smart Deactivator Eletronic

Inwave technology for smart and accurate deactivation
Inwave RF deactivators use Smart Deactivator Electronic, part of the EAS system, which ensures that EAS tags are deactivated quickly and with excellent performance.

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integração EAS inteligente e CFTV analítico, gerando insights e melhoria de processos

O EASiGuard consiste na integração do EASi (EAS inteligente) com o sistema de CFTV da loja, vinculando um clipe de vídeo a cada disparo da antena antifurto, viabilizando a auditoria por imagem dos eventos gerados via EAS.
Esta tecnologia permite realizar a análise dos eventos e a melhoria contínua de processos, através da identificação das causas de possíveis ocorrências de furtos e subsídios para treinamento de equipe.

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Em dúvida sobre qual é a antena e o desativador adequado para sua  loja?

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Technical information

Learn more about Inwave's antennas and access the comparative table of all our equipment, as well as the technical tables with more information about each of our solutions.

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Any questions?

Learn more about Inwave's EAS solutions and technologies in our full FAQ

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Discover Inwave's solutions

Our portfolio of solutions is constantly updating and expanding, but our most important deliveries are solutions to reduce losses, improve the shopping experience and provide information for retail management.

EASi | Intelligent anti-theft systems

New generation of EAS anti-theft systems that facilitates remote management of equipment and integration with other technologies. Developed by Inwave, intelligent EAS allows you to check the operating status of EAS devices at each store in the network, with data from each piece of equipment installed, providing greater productivity and control.

EAS intelligent
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Inwave Darwin Platform

Platform for monitoring and managing retail processes, the Inwave Darwin solution has a number of adaptable and evolutionary applications for greater retail efficiency. Reduce operating costs at the checkout, ensure processes are conducted in different areas of the store, control access to your stand-alone stores, audit all your weighing operations and more!

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Intelligent Video Analytics (iVA)

A technology that turns images into strategic data and insights. With Inwave's iVA solution, it's now possible to better understand what drives engagement at the point of sale, analyze consumer behavior in physical retail stores, and apply metrics that better align to online retail strategies, such as customer flow, most visited areas and others.

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Intelligent EAS integrated with the store's CCTV camera system, EASiGuard makes it easy to monitor and manage the EAS anti-theft system, linking a video clip to each antenna alarm event. EASiGuard makes it possible to conduct audits, assess and improve processes, analyze team performance in case of events, improve management and increase the results.

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Alternatively, call +55 (11) 4000-2330 or email info@inwave.online

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