In the dynamic and competitive retail sector, the pursuit of operational efficiency and excellence in customer service is constant. Addressing these needs, Inwave has developed an innovative solution that transforms cash register operations management: Remote Supervisor. A feature of the Checkout Module of the Inwave Darwin platform Remote Supervisor of cash operations centralizes operations supervision, reduces costs, optimizes processes, and prevents losses, representing a significant competitive edge for retailers.

What is Remote Supervisor?

Darwin - Checkout Module (Remote Supervisor of cash operations)

Remote Supervisor of cash operations in retail is a technological solution that centralizes the validation of cash register operations, such as item cancellation, receipt cancellation, price checks, and more. Traditionally, these activities were performed in person by monitors in stores who had to go to the checkout requesting assistance, resulting in long minutes of customer wait time at the cash register. With Remote Supervisor, these functions are performed centrally in a few seconds, with total process control and image and audio recording. This results in a faster and more efficient process, reducing wait time, improving customer experience, and preventing operational errors.

In addition to improving efficiency, remote supervisor of cash operations directly impacts operating cost reduction, allowing a single Remote Monitor to serve multiple POSs across different stores in the network.

Relevance for retail competitiveness

Implementing Remote Supervisor is especially relevant for retail, where agility and efficiency are crucial. In today's landscape, with increasingly tighter margins and more demanding customers, the ability to perform cash register operations quickly and securely is a key differentiator. Additionally, reducing operational costs and preventing fraud and losses are tangible benefits that directly impact the profitability of operations.

Advantages of the Checkout Module

Reduction in service time

With the adoption of Remote Supervisor, operations such as item cancellations or price checks, which previously took an average of 3 minutes to complete, are now performed in about 20 seconds. This drastic reduction in service time not only improves the shopping experience for customers but also allows for greater checkout turnover, better store flow, more cart availability, better parking lot flow, and a series of other advantages generated by increased operational efficiency.

Check out the success story of Coocerqui:

Reduced checkout lines

The efficiency and speed at the checkouts generated by Remote Supervisor of cash operations result in shorter lines, meaning less wait time for customers. This translates into a more pleasant shopping experience, improving customers' perception of the store, with a high potential to increase loyalty.

Prevention of Errors and Losses in Cash Register Operations

The cash register area is one of the most vulnerable points for losses in retail. By performing various validations in real time, Remote Supervisor of cash operations drastically reduces errors, fraud, and collusion between employees and customers. Additionally, other functionalities of the Darwin platform, such as real-time or post-event auditing, allow for quick identification and correction of irregularities. This eliminates common fraud practices, such as the shared use of supervisor cards, and ensures that all operations are carried out according to established procedures.

Check out the success story of Super Adega and see how they reduced errors at checkouts by 98%:

"After performing cancellations (item or receipt) and multiplications, we identified many errors during audits. Today, we can say we have had a drastic reduction of up to 98%." — Super Adega, Inwave client.

Reduction in operating costs

By centralizing supervisory functions in a single Intelligence Center for the entire store network, Remote Supervisor of cash operations allows a single remote monitor to serve up to 80 point of sale, freeing the store team to focus on other important tasks, such as customer service. This centralization significantly reduces operational costs associated with in-person supervision, providing substantial savings for retailers.

Check out the success story of Rede Market:

The Inwave Darwin Platform

The Darwin platform by Inwave integrates advanced technologies for efficient retail operations control. With various modules, it adapts to multiple scenarios and demands of stores across all segments: from wholesale stores, supermarkets, and pharmacies to autonomous stores.

Examples of benefits the Darwin Checkout Module provides:

Freeing up the store team

Remote supervision of cash register operations frees the store team to focus on other essential tasks, improving operational efficiency and increasing customer satisfaction.

Maximizing productivity

A single remote monitor can serve multiple POSs, optimizing team utilization and maximizing productivity, reducing the need for monitors at each point of sale.

Inwave’s Remote Supervisor of cash operations offers efficiency, speed, and security in retail cash register operations. With the Darwin Checkout Module, retailers can reduce costs, improve customer experience, and effectively prevent losses. Inwave's innovative technology makes Darwin the ideal choice for optimizing processes and achieving success in modern retail. Adopting Remote Supervisor of cash operations is essential to stand out in the competitive market.