The world's largest event forthe supermarket supply chain, the APAS Show, brings together the leading companiesin the sector, both national and international. The 38th edition of the fair,held from May 13 to 16 in São Paulo, was the chosen stage for the officiallaunch of Inwave's new solution, the Darwin Platform, which is alreadytransforming the management of various retail chains across the country. Thisinnovative solution is designed to optimize operational efficiency and theconsumer experience in retail.

Focused on monitoring andprocess management, the Inwave Darwin Platform is named for itsadaptable and evolutionary applications within the retail sector. It can beapplied at the checkout as well as in various other store areas, such as thebutcher, bakery, docks, or autonomous stores, with the aim of addressing commonretail issues, reducing operational costs, effectively decreasing losses, andensuring increased operational efficiency.

Through it, it is possible tospeed up service, as well as assist in staff training to avoid checkout errors,weighing errors, item counting errors, fraud, and other recurring situations inretail. Additionally, the solution can monitor real-time processes in retailoperations, bringing a significant change to the operation control proposal,which until now has been focused on post-event audits. The Inwave Darwinplatform consists of an ecosystem that encompasses various store areas and isconstantly evolving.

"Inwave has software andhardware development in its DNA, with years of know-how and expertise inretail. The construction of this new platform meets the pain points we noticedin retailers. An adaptable, efficient platform that reduces operational costs,improves the in-store shopping experience, and significantly reduceslosses." — Adriano Sambugaro

At the Inwave booth at APAS Show 2024, visitors could see live applications ofthe Darwin Platform in the following modules:

·      Checkout

·      Weighing audit

·      Frictionless self-checkout

·      Operations control

·      Anti-theft systems audit

·      Controlled areas audit

Inwave Darwin - Checkout Module: lower costsand faster checkout

Darwin - Checkout Module

The Inwave Darwin platformapplied at the checkout can be summarized in two major functionalities: RemoteFiscal and real-time checkout operations monitoring.

With Remote Fiscal, it ispossible to perform validations such as item cancellation, coupon cancellation,price consultation, and other operations that previously required the presenceof a supervisor, remotely and centrally, with much more agility and efficiency.Operations that previously took around 4 minutes (market average) are nowperformed in 20 seconds (Inwave customers' average).

Besides the Remote Fiscalmonitoring for the most sensitive operations, the Darwin Platform applied atthe checkout (also known as EASICash) allows real-time auditing through easilyconfigurable alerts and filters for proactive action by the Remote Central,preventing losses before they occur.

See thesuccess story of one of our clients, who reduced checkout errors by up to 98%.

Inwave Darwin - Weighing Audit Module: combating errors and fraud in scales

Darwin - Weighing Audit Module

For demonstration at Apas Show2024, we presented the application of the Darwin Platform for weighing auditthrough integration with the Prix 5 scale model from Toledo, simulating abutcher's operation in a supermarket or wholesale store. A point of attentionfor losses caused by errors or fraud, the manipulation of meats in butcheriescan be audited in real-time, through intelligent alerts that activate theRemote Central for store intervention.

At the Inwave booth,supermarket operators could verify that it is possible to combat meatcode-switching fraud, among other problems, effectively reducing losses.

Inwave Darwin – Frictionless Self-Checkout Module: better experience in the supermarket or autonomous store

Darwin – Frictionless Self-Checkout Module

The Inwave Darwin Platformapplied in self-checkout focuses on improving the customer experience throughinstant communication via chat, supporting the user in using the technology.This real-time support brings some relevant benefits to the self-checkoutoperation:

·       Fasteroperation by eliminating doubts in a few seconds;

·       Fewerlosses caused by errors or fraud;

·       Metricson self-checkout operation for better operational planning.

Inwave Darwin - Operations Control Module: greater operational adherence in all branches

Darwin - Operations Control Module

Imaginemonitoring various processes in different areas of the store in real-time,preventing problems before they happen... With this concept in mind, wepresented at the Inwave booth at APAS Show 2024 the integration of the Darwinplatform with various common store devices, such as refrigeration, lighting,and other equipment. It’s technology ensuring greater process control andadherence, with a relevant impact on results.

Inwave Darwin - Anti-Theft Systems Audit Module: real-time auditing

Darwin - Anti-Theft Systems Audit Module

The integrationof the Darwin Platform with Inwave's EAS anti-theft antennas allows access toalarm event images at the Remote Central in real-time, enabling auditing andsupporting store team actions, improving processes and reducing losses.

Inwave Darwin - Controlled Areas Audit Module: an intelligence layer to the installed hardware

Darwin - Controlled Areas Audit Module

At APAS, the benefits of theControlled Areas Audit module were explained, especially for autonomous stores.

The module improves accesscontrol to specific areas and the management of autonomous stores by addingintelligence to the existing access control equipment. It gathers monitoredimage/audio data into a single interface, allowing greater remote control andreal-time action. This results in fewer losses in autonomous stores, moresecurity in restricted areas, and more efficient audits and investigations.Additionally, the platform centralizes information for analysis and strategydefinition, facilitating network management and supporting strategic decisionsand planning.


An adaptable platform for the evolution of yourbusiness

During the event, inconversations with various supermarket operators, we could verify that theInwave Darwin platform is aligned with the real needs of retail. A solutionthat ensures more efficiency and control of retail operations throughcentralized auditing and real-time assisted operation.

Due to its easy adaptation toeach context, with rules that optimize operations, the Darwin Platformminimizes risks and prioritizes the customer experience, which is the goal ofevery retailer oriented towards success.